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Tap into you unlimited potential with our unique Astrophyllite healing bracelet!Read about our handmade Astrophyllite healing bracelets below to see if you connect with this crystal.***Only 2 left***Includes your choice of sterling silver charm - Wrist size available in checkout(GEM CARD INCLUDED WITH PURCHASE)Highlights our unlimited potential. Activates the ability to see your soul path. Promotes out-of-body experiences, acting as guide and protector in other realms. Reminds you that as one door closes another opens. Promotes intimacy and increases sensitivity of touch.MEANING: ASTROPHYLLITE HEALING CRYSTALS Spiritually, Astrophyllite healing stones help highlight our unlimited potential, heightens your perception and makes you sensitive to unspoken needs. Activating the ability to see your soul path, it promotes out-of-body experiences, acting as a guide and protector in other realms. Psychologically, by enabling you to attain an objective view of yourself, it eliminates anything that is outworn, reminding you that as one door closes another opens. Promoting intimacy and increases sensitivity of touch, it is helpful for massage or acupressure.PHYSICAL HEALING PROPERTIES: ASTROPHYLLITE BRACELETBeneficial for epilepsy, the reproductive, hormonal and nervous systems, PMS, menopausal disturbances, cellular regeneration, the large intestine, spinal alignment and fatty deposits.