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Bloodstone Jewelry and Bracelets

Our collection of Zen Jewelz bloodstone jewelry is both visually striking and gorgeous. Each piece of bloodstone jewelry is handcrafted and charged with positive and healing energy. We cleanse any negative or trapped energy from individual bloodstones to provide you with a healing and pure stone to wear.

Bloodstone jewelry is great for grounding and revitalizing your spirit. If you struggle with blocked energy channels and need some spiritual re-rooting, bloodstone jewelry will help you unlock these potentials. Bloodstone also has a beautiful hue that looks unique on every person who wears it.

ZenJen handcrafts each bloodstone bracelet with the purest of spiritual intentions. Our lovely selection of bloodstone jewelry will calm you, ground you, encourage you to be your best self, and bring you inner peace.

Bloodstone Spiritual Properties

Bloodstone is a healing and down-to-earth gem that has a host of spiritual properties. The color of bloodstone is eye-catching, but what lies beneath the stone’s surface is clean energy and true potential.

Some of the positive energetic properties of bloodstone include:

Calming and relaxation

Physical, spiritual, and emotional healing

Mental clarity

Creativity and intuition

Ridding your spirit of aggression, irritability, and impatience

Blood healing and cleansing

Spiritual grounding

Base chakra grounding

Balancing of solar plexus chakra

These properties are the highest spiritual intentions of the bloodstone jewelry we craft. You may use bloodstone jewelry to guide your spirit’s intuition and decision-making.
Bloodstone bracelets rest on your wrist near your hand. Your hand is the tool of your life choices, making bloodstone bracelets the center of clarity and confident action. Your intuition is already clear on what to do. A bloodstone bracelet simply allows your spirit to access that clarity with greater courage.

As with all healing stones, bloodstone jewelry protects you from unclean or negative energy. While you move through your journey in this life, it is important to keep your precious energy protected and close to you. Bloodstone bracelets give you spiritual guidance against those who have impure intentions.

Origins of Bloodstone

Bloodstone is a centuries-old tool used for power, courage, and vitality. The ancient Greeks carried bloodstones to empower them during battle. They also used bloodstone for protection against bad energy and losses of the spirit.

The origin of the name, bloodstone, comes from the Middle Ages. In a time of spiritual warfare, ancient civilizations believed the red flecks in bloodstones symbolized the blood of Jesus Christ. Since Christ was seen as the ultimate sacrifice for humankind, his actions were those of clear intuition, courage, and strength. Bloodstone carries this symbolism of spirituality and divine intention into the present scene of gemstone healing.

Throughout history, royal figures carried bloodstone as a sign of power and leadership. The encouraging properties of bloodstone helped some of the greatest leaders win battles, unite nations, and connect with divine spirits. Regardless of religion, status, and hardship, bloodstone has persevered throughout the centuries and has become an important and divine healing tool.

Although bloodstone represents many abstract qualities and ideas, the baseline energy infused into bloodstone is that of guidance and idealism. When you are making decisions, pushing through spiritual hardship, or leading others, bloodstone offers powerful intuition and clarity. You already have the properties you need to succeed – bloodstone helps you unlock them with certainty.

Ancient warriors used the grounding properties of bloodstone to win battles and secure victories for their people. The history of this stone stays with you when you wear our quality bloodstone bracelets and other bloodstone jewelry. Bloodstone will ground you and help you to become the spiritually balanced individual that you have always wanted to be.

Body and Spirit Healing with Bloodstone

Bloodstone jewelry can be a great tool against physical ailments. The healing, purifying, and cleansing properties of bloodstone are thought to fight against symptoms of anemia, poor circulation, and other blood-based problems. Bloodstone bracelets give off cleansing energy that helps detoxify your liver, spleen, kidneys, and blood.

Bloodstone bracelets also stimulate lymphatic fluid to flow and cleanse your body. A buildup of lymphatic drainage can accumulate waste products in your body. You can ward off negative energy and bad intentions by purifying the fluids within your physical body. This will allow your spiritual self to thrive.

Beyond the physical body, bloodstone jewelry aids your spirit with metaphysical wealth and prosperity. The stone gives you the courage to make selfless and empowering decisions that cleanse your spirit of negative energy. Clogged energy channels can fog your intuition and lead you astray.

Creativity is an important part of leadership and courage. You must be able to think outside of society’s pressures to lead your spirit into its best place. Bloodstone will help your brain and spirit accomplish this to the best of your intuitive ability. Work, school, relationships, and creative projects can begin to flourish for you with bloodstone’s stimulating energy.

Bloodstone jewelry purifies and cleanses your flowing energy to guide you into the victories of your highest self. Our healing bloodstone bracelets balance and ground your root chakra (Chakra 1) and solar plexus chakra (Chakra 3). These chakras are important points of intuition and baseline spiritual wellness within your body.

While our beautiful bloodstone bracelets and other healing bloodstone jewelry do look striking and gorgeous, it also provides physical and spiritual wellness. ZenJen’s charge of cleansing and healing energy into each unique bloodstone jewelry piece is her special gift to you with every purchase.

Types of Bloodstone Jewelry

At Zen Jewelz, we offer handmade bloodstone jewelry crafted especially for those seeking clarity, intuitive guidance, and healing. Our bracelets use the finest gemstones and materials for your aesthetic and spiritual satisfaction. We carry an assortment of bloodstone jewelry to assist you in your journey.
We offer bloodstone bracelets in different sizes and circumferences, including women’s and men’s options. We want your bracelet to be the perfect fit physically and spiritually for you or a loved one. If your bracelet is a gift, we take extra special care of it and include beautiful finishing details.

Keep an eye out for new additions to the Zen Jewelz bloodstone jewelry collection, too! We are always seeking new pieces that add vigor and vitality to your spiritual journey. Allow yourself to find the piece of bloodstone jewelry that speaks to your highest self in waves of courage and decisiveness.

Natural Indian Bloodstone Bracelet

The Natural Indian Bloodstone Bracelet incorporates brown, red, and auburn hues into each stone. With flecks of dark jade-red, this bracelet has a natural and earthy look to it. If you are seeking to ground yourself into your desired reality, the Natural Indian Bloodstone Bracelet is perfect for you.

Imagination and creativity are important for a fulfilling life. You do not have to search endlessly for the intuitive guidance you need — it is already within the depths of your curiosity and creativity. This bracelet will guide you to new thoughts and ideas that are uniquely yours.

You can also choose to add a karma tag to set your spiritual intentions into the bloodstone bracelet. This tag will guide your spirit to take the actions you need and desire in your life. We encourage you to see if the bracelet resonates with your higher self before choosing the finer details.

Creative Passion Bloodstone Bracelet

Inspiration and passion go hand-in-hand. The Creative Passion Bloodstone Bracelet from Zen Jewelz is here to assist you with your work life, creative projects, and life’s passions. This bracelet will help clear unwanted energy that is blocking your idealism and creativity.

As always, the bracelet that resonates with you is the best choice. If you are at a particularly challenging time in your life in terms of creative endeavors, consider this bracelet. Bloodstone is excellent for leading you out of a blocked mindset.
For extra support and clarity, we offer sage or other additions to your Creative Passion Bloodstone Bracelet. Achieve your goals and find your power with this creativity-inducing piece of bloodstone jewelry.

Cancer Support Bloodstone Bracelet

This bracelet comes with compassionate reminders of healing, hope, faith, and love. While fighting the vicious battle against cancer, you and your loved ones can stay connected and hopeful with the support of bloodstone.

Karma tag options include: “breathe,” “hope,” and “faith.” All of these are essential when fighting against one of the body’s hardest challenges. Spiritual healing may be just what you need to empower you throughout the trials of cancer treatment.

Our love and support go out to every cancer warrior and survivor as well as the loved ones who carry them through until the end. Show your support and empathy for cancer warriors with the Cancer Support Bloodstone Bracelet. You can use this healing energy wherever you go.

Handmade with Quality Materials in the USA

All Zen Jewelz pieces are made by the hands of hardworking spiritual cleansers who pour their positive energy supply into your jewelry. Each piece is made in the USA with care and high-quality materials. All gemstones used in our jewelry are charged with positive, pure, and spiritual compassion.

Our clients rave about the quality of our customer service and craftsmanship. With our products, you can be sure that you are getting the finest quality gemstones and jewelry. If you ever need help with your order, our team is happy to assist you.

All jewelry materials are tarnish-resistant and do not cause any skin discoloration. Your experience will depend on your skin, but most of our clients never experience coloration problems from our jewelry. We want you to feel as cherished as possible when purchasing from our shop. We appreciate each order we receive!

Easy Purchasing Experience

Zen Jewelz is a shop run by individuals who put their effort and energy into every single order we receive. To purchase any of our bloodstone bracelets, you can browse our website and filter your search to specific gemstones to see your options. We include

information about the specific healing and cathartic spiritual properties of bloodstone with every listing.

Our menu of additions and customizations to your jewelry makes it easy to curate and select the perfect piece for your spiritual needs. Our karma tags add a touch of personalization to your healing and purifying bloodstone bracelet. We also offer add-on bundles for gemstone cleansing, purification, and education.

Each bloodstone bracelet comes with a gemstone card that tells you about all of the properties of bloodstone. If you ever desire more information about our jewelry, our easy-to-navigate website has a list of educational materials. We want you to be informed so you can have the best experience with our bloodstone jewelry line.

Contact Us

If you are ready to get in touch with your inner divine spirit and purify your energy, start browsing our broad selection of healing gemstone jewelry. Our unique handmade pieces are all charged by our generous team with clarity and love from their highest selves.

Even if you are new to spiritual cleansing and healing gemstones, we welcome you to join the Zen Jewelz family. We can help you learn more about your spiritual self and your unique journey through the divine realm. We have an extensive social media presence on all major platforms. We love connecting with you!

You can find us on social media on the following platforms:







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Feel free to follow us, message us, and post to our pages! We appreciate your presence in our divine circle.

If you have a story or testimonial about your positive experiences with Zen Jewelz, please contact us at any time. We love and appreciate your willingness to share your positive energy with our shop.

Any questions, concerns, or comments can be sent to our contact emails located on our website contact form. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you in any way we can!

Thank you for choosing Zen Jewelz to go with you on your spiritual journey of cleansing, healing, and discovery. We send positive and compassionate energy your way as you guide your spirit to your highest self.