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Spread love and tenderness from the inside out with beautiful Thulite!Read about our handmade Thulite healing bracelets to see if you connect with this crystal.Your choice of sterling silver charm & wrist size options available in checkout (GEM CARD INCLUDED WITH PURCHASE)Working to spread tenderness from the inside out, Thulite gently reminds us that the first person we must love and care for is ourselves. This warming stone is believed to be extremely comforting and healing to those who suffer from grief, anger and sadness. It can help dispel low self-esteem and help us to acknowledge that we are special and worthy of love and respect.MEANING: THULITE HEALING CRYSTALSThulite is a naturally pink form of Zoisite, also known as Rosaline. No two stones are exactly alike and each piece's original color gradient ranging from pastel pink to vibrant fuchsia reminds us of the unique intricacies of every relationship in our life. As a stone of love, Thulite encourages us to notice the amazing effects that opening ourselves to love and compassion can have on the world.Working to spread tenderness from the inside out, Thulite gently reminds us that the first person we must love and care for is ourselves. This warming stone is believed to be extremely comforting and healing to those who have suffered from abuse, neglect and sexual assault by affirming that they were not at fault for their suffering. It alleviates pain, grief, anger and sadness. The strong sense of comfort it brings us can help dispel low self-esteem and self-hatred and help us to acknowledge that we are special and worthy of love and respect. With the help of Thulite's soothing nature, we are able to put to rest the pains of our past and move forward with compassion for ourselves and others.Thulite encourages us to put love into action with joyful and charismatic energy. When you embrace life with the determination to spread kindness and unwavering love, those positive intentions will spread to those who witness your empathetic deeds. Thulite teaches us a simple but powerful message: Love is infectious.By enhancing compassion and extroversion, Thulite can be an excellent aid to productive debate. If you find yourself in conversation with someone you don't see eye to eye with, wearing Thulite can help you remain level-headed as you listen and work to understand the other person's point of view before sharing your perspective with grace, not agression.PHYSICAL HEALING PROPERTIES: THULITE BRACELETOn a physical level Thulite has been known to correct the eating habits associated with anorexia and bulimia. It is also essential in treating gastric upsets and correcting calcium deficiencies.