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Is it time to conquer your fears?Read about our handmade Tiger Eye healing bracelets below to see if you connect with this crystal.Your choice of sterling silver charm & wrist size options available in checkout (GEM CARD INCLUDED WITH PURCHASE)Most recognized for bringing money, protection, courage and luck. Builds confidence and clear thinking and speaking. Allows us to recognize both our talents and our faults. Helps change anxiety and fear into practicality and logic. Draws helpful people to the wearer. MEANING: TIGER EYE HEALING CRYSTALSTiger Eye healing stones combine earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is nevertheless grounded, drawing the spiritual energies to the earth. Placed on the third eye (chakra 6 - Ajna), it enhances psychic abilities in earthy people and balances the lower chakras (chakra1 - Muladhara and Chakra 2 - Svadhisthana), stimulating the rise of the kundalini energy. Tiger Eye is a protective crystal that was traditionally carried as a talisman against ill wishing and curses. It shows the correct use of power and brings out integrity. It assists in accomplishing goals, recognizing inner resources and promoting clarity of intention. Placed on the navel chakra (Chakra 2 - Svadhisthana), Tiger Eye is excellent for people who are spaced out or uncommitted. It grounds and facilitates manifestation of the will. Tiger Eye anchors change into the physical body. This crystal is useful for recognizing both your needs and those of other people. It differentiates between wishful thinking about what you want and what you really need. Mentally, Tiger Eye integrates the hemispheres of the brain and enhances practical perception. It aids in collecting scattered information to make a coherent whole. It is helpful for resolving dilemmas and internal conflicts, especially those brought about by pride and willfulness. Tiger Eye is particularly useful for healing mental disease and personality disorders. Psychologically, Tiger Eye heals issues of self-worth, self-criticism and blocked creativity. It aids in recognizing one's talents and abilities and conversely, faults that need to be overcome. It supports an addictive personality in making changes. Emotionally, Tiger Eye balances yin yang energy and energizes the emotional body. It alleviates depression and lift moods. Feel more confident and balanced as you experience the energy from this Tiger Eye bracelet! PHYSICAL HEALING PROPERTIES: TIGER EYE BRACELETTiger Eye has been used to treat the eyes and aid night vision, heal the throat and reproductive organs as it can dissolve constrictions. It is helpful for repairing broken bones. In addition to all of the properties of Basic Tiger Eye, the different colors of Tiger Eye have additional healing properties. *BLUE TIGER EYE is calming and releases stress. It aids the overanxious, quick tempered and phobic. It can slow metabolism, cool an overactive sex drive and dissolve sexual frustration. *RED TIGER EYE is a stimulating crystal that has been used to overcome lethargy and provide motivation. In healing it has the ability to speed up a slow metabolism and increase a low sex drive. *GOLD TIGER EYE aids in paying attention to detail, warning against complacency. It can assists in taking action from a place of reason rather than emotion. Gold Tiger eye is an excellent companion for tests and important meetings.